In a noteworthy ruling on Wednesday, the Kerala High Court sentenced Raneesh V.R., a former Sub-inspector from Alathur police station in Palakkad, to two months of simple imprisonment for using abusive language towards a lawyer. However, the court opted to suspend the sentence for a year, providing the officer a chance to reform his conduct under specific conditions.
Justice Devan Ramachandran, who oversaw the case, ruled that Raneesh’s sentence would be dismissed after one year if he adhered to court orders and refrained from engaging in similar behavior. This decision aims to encourage positive change in the officer's behavior, giving him an opportunity for rehabilitation.
The case arose from a contempt of court petition accusing Raneesh of defying a previous High Court directive that strictly prohibits the use of offensive language towards civilians in police stations. The incident in question involved the officer making derogatory remarks toward a lawyer representing a client.
Initially, Raneesh's apology was lukewarm, as reflected in his first affidavit. However, in a subsequent affidavit, he fully acknowledged his mistake, offering an unconditional apology and expressing deep remorse. He promised to uphold professional standards and treat others with respect moving forward.
This decision by the court underscores the importance of respectful behavior by law enforcement officers and provides a pathway for Raneesh to demonstrate his commitment to change.
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