An FIR has been filed against Kerala-based lawyer, Advocate TK Ajan, following a disturbing incident during a virtual court hearing. On September 2, while appearing before the Additional District Judge in Thodupuzha, Idukki, Advocate Ajan allegedly exposed himself and made inappropriate sexual gestures during the video conference session.
The court acted quickly, terminating the video session upon witnessing the indecent behavior. In its official order, the court noted, "During the hearing, the counsel for the appellant displayed nudity accompanied by certain gestures. As a result, the case was adjourned, with instructions for the appellant to have his counsel appear in person. The Google Meet session was immediately turned off to prevent further inappropriate behavior." The case has now been rescheduled for October 3.
Following the incident, the court's Bench clerk lodged a complaint, which led to the registration of an FIR against Advocate Ajan. He now faces charges under Section 79 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, which pertains to actions or gestures intended to insult the modesty of a woman, and Section 119 (1)(a) of the Kerala Police Act, which deals with sexual gestures in public spaces that degrade a woman's dignity.
This incident highlights the importance of upholding professionalism and decorum in virtual court settings, with the legal community strongly condemning such behavior.
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